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How to be there for someone diagnosed with cancer

If you find out a loved one has cancer, it can be devastating news and you might wonder where to even begin. Because of this, we’ve compiled 5 ways to be there for a loved one with cancer, based on...

How to Support a Loved One with Cancer

It can be hard to know how to help a friend going through cancer. It’s a sensitive, vulnerable time for them and you likely don’t want to over-step, but you also want to help in some way that is me...

Four Ideas to Support a Mom's Mental Health

Much has been written about the mental load of motherhood. If you’re unfamiliar with the idea, Psyched Mommy defines it as “the unnoticed and uncompensated physical, mental, and emotional labor com...

Happy 2nd Birthday: a Founders' Story

Our father’s experience with cancer is the inspiration behind our brand. He was diagnosed with Stage IV non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma in 2012, and underwent numerous treatments of chemotherapy and radiati...

Gifts for Long Hospital Stays

It’s hard to know what to give someone who is spending a lot of time in a hospital room. Sure, flowers are always an option, as are gifts from the lobby gift shops, but we find that giving her a gi...
